I was so excited to see that my website has a place to blog! It was like giving me the key to the formatting jail so I could set myself free. When you set up websites and Etsy shops, they give you all kinds of limits. There is so much I have wanted to explain to customers and potential customers, and it doesn't always fit into their format. Yes, I can get verbose, but there is also a lot that you might be interested to know about what I do, so now I can share those things.

How do I know you want to know? Because I've spent 10 years answering questions in person. I love the conversations I have with people who visit my booth at art shows and festivals because it gives me the best insight into what appeals to the people who are attracted to my work. It also gives me the fire I need to go back to my "Beadatorium" and create again.

To answer my own question; Why do I wrap things with wire? Because I've developed a relationship with wire that has become a love affair. Wire gives me freedom. The creative freedom that is possible when you make jewelry with wire cannot be attained by putting beads on a string, or by just putting a charm on a chain. I'm sure there are others who can scratch their creative itch doing those things, but I can't.

Wire is fluid. It has motion that can sweep, flow, float and sing. The colors I prefer to use are very earthy. I love copper. I love the warmth and visual texture that is possible when I combine different shades of copper. I love the fact that wire can be woven together. It can be bent and twisted, hammered, shaped and braided. It lends itself to whatever expression your hands can produce. Every day I find a new thing I want to try with wire. There are no limits. I'm all about things that are limitless. (Have you guessed?)

It is my great priveledge to be able to make a living doing this thing that I love to do. I hope you find a measure of joy as you journey through my shop.